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OPTIMOD 9400-new 9400am_rear-new


Not Rated Yet Manufacturer Orban PrintEmail
Sales price $7,590.50
Sales price without tax $7,590.50
Base price $7,590.50
Base price for variant $7,590.50
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Main Features:
•The 9400 is suitable for long wave, medium wave, and shortwave (HF) broadcasts.
•OPTIMOD-AM rides gain over an adjustable range of up to 25dB, compressing dynamic range and compensating for operator gain-riding errors and for gain inconsistencies in automated systems.
•OPTIMOD-AM increases the density and loudness of the program material by multiband limiting and multiband distortion-canceling clipping, improving the consistency of the station’s sound and increasing loudness and definition without producing audible side effects.
•OPTIMOD-AM precisely controls peak levels to prevent overmodulation. Asymmetry in the analog processing channel is adjustable from 100% to 150% positive peak modulation.
•OPTIMOD-AM compensates for the high- and low-frequency rolloffs of typical AM receivers with a fully adjustable program equalizer providing up to 20dB of high-frequency boost (at 5 kHz) without producing the side effects encountered in conventional processors. This equalizer can thus produce extreme pre-emphasis that is appropriate for very narrow-band radios. OPTIMOD-AM’s fully parametric low- and mid-frequency equalizers allow you to tailor your air sound to your precise requirements and desires. OPTIMOD-AM also fully supports the NRSC standard pre-emphasis curve.
•OPTIMOD-AM is a stereo processor that fully protects CQUAM® transmissions, conservatively complying with Motorola’s processing requirements that negative peak modulation on the left and right channels be limited to –75% modulation.
•OPTIMOD-AM supports the iBiquity HD-AM® system. Except for common stereo enhancement and AGC , the HD-AM processor is an independent processing chain with its own set of user-adjustable parameters, maintaining 15 kHz audio bandwidth (per iBiquity’s specifications) regardless of the bandwidth setting of the processing intended for the analog channel. To ensure source-to-source consistency, the HD-AM processing includes full five-band compression/limiting that is independent of the five-band compression/limiting in the analog processing chain. This output can also be used for netcasts. The HD chain can effectively pre-process for low bit rate codecs, minimizing high frequency artifacts that can give the audio a watery, "phasey" quality. 

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