Audioarts 08

Not Rated Yet Manufacturer Audioarts Email
Sales price $1,838.25
Sales price without tax $1,838.25
Base price $1,838.25
Base price for variant $1,838.25
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  • Description
  • Reviews

The Audioarts 08 covers all the basics with a single stereo mixing bus (balanced or unbalanced output); two mic
inputs (one for guest, and one for host); 4 Stereo Line inputs, 1 Caller input, and USB input to play in audio from a PC.
USB output to record directly to PC recording software, mix-minus telephone output for interfacing to a telephone
hybrid, monitor, headphone and cue for off-air monitoring. Speaker mute for muting monitor speakers when the mic
is on; and balanced or unbalanced inputs/outputs for interface with consumer or professional grade equipment.

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